Oksana climate

Oksana climate

The sweetest in the industry: Ukrainian Cleantech cream. Success stories of 10 champions

Ми хочемо вас надихати. Адже ніщо не зваблює стартувати новий бізнес більше, ніж історії успіху тих, кому вдалося! Ми, команда greencubator, бачимо ці історії зблизька. Реалізуючи в Україні проєкт ЄБРР за фінансової підтримки Європейського Союзу – “Кліматичні Інноваційні Ваучери”, ми…

Success of the graduates of the project

Friends, we are proud of our winners and graduates of the program as their companies develop, grow and reach new heights. We have a lot to brag about this month as our beneficiaries have achieved a lot. Glad to share them with you. What's up Meredot Meredot, a company that…

Good news for the graduates of the project

We rejoice, sincerely advertise, grow together with the graduates of the Climate Innovation Vouchers (#CIV) project from the EBRD and the EU. Your successes are our joint victories in the green innovation sector! Today we share news from Delfast, Sarbominer and Releaf Paper What's up Delfast? Ukrainian company...

5 common mistakes in grant applications - check yourself!

Sometimes promising projects are not selected because the application itself is poorly prepared. The team of Climate Innovation Vouchers has prepared a list of typical mistakes of participants 1. The rules of the competition are not taken into account. Most often, the rules already contain many tips about how to make an application and for what...


Special guest of the online meeting - Anastasia Smyk, CEO and co-founder of InputSoft - about successes during the war, about the experience of grants and investments We invite you to the new issue of GreenBusinessTalk business dialogues as part of the online consultation of the grant program "Climate Innovation Vouchers". This time the discussion with the winner...

What is more important for investors in the green sector: interaction, the charisma of the founders, financial stability or the experience of the team?

Startups and investors must interact successfully. This requires good personal relationships, belief in success on the part of the founders and an assessment of real factors such as market fit, financial stability and team flexibility. Such criteria for their decisions were voiced by investors during the discussion "On...


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