The sweetest in the industry: Ukrainian Cleantech cream. Success stories of 10 champions


We want to inspire you. After all, nothing entices to start a new business more than the success stories of those who succeeded!

We are a team greencubator, we see these stories up close. Implementing the EBRD project in Ukraine with the financial support of the European Union - "Climate Innovation Vouchers", we regularly witness the stories of champions of "green" business, who impress and inspire new generations of founders. 

We know what a thorny path these businesses go through, and how rapidly those who do not give up and go to the end grow rapidly.

This week, we are starting a series of stories about 10 Ukrainian companies that impressed us, that we cheered for, and that in a short time became at the forefront of Ukrainian cleantech! 

These are companies that received the "Climate Innovation Vouchers" grant at a key stage of their development and made giant leaps in the following years. 

These are the creators of "clean" technologies that entered new markets, attracted investments and scaled their business. 

These are the creative minds of "green" innovations, breakthrough power, "cream of the crop"! 

The stories of 10 champions of Ukrainian cleantech in Ukraine and abroad are on the pages Greencubator and CIV, from January 30!

Be careful, these stories may tempt you to start your own green business.


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