GreenBiznessTalk: how to soar in green business? Tips from Anastasia Smik


As part of the #GreenBiznessTalk discussion and ours Online consultation on Climate Innovation Vouchers, talked with Anastasia Smik, CEO and co-founder of the InputSoft company about successes during the war, about the experience of grants and investments.

InputSoft has developed a SaaS platform to optimize the use of human and technical resources and data analysis for airports and aircraft ground handling companies. It allows to serve passengers faster and reduce climate impact and costs. 

InputSoft are beneficiaries of the Climate Innovation Vouchers program in 2022, so Anastasia shared tips for the Greencubator green community on how to attract investments to Ukrainian startups, how to find partners abroad, how to get a grant for the development of a business idea, will share her experience of cooperation with Greencubator, in particular regarding the project "Climate Innovation Vouchers

  • Don't make up things you don't really have

The application is very clear and structured and asks the right questions. You should not write long "literary" paragraphs about your company. Pay attention to all points in the application and answer them as clearly as possible.

  • Do not stop at Ukraine, immediately expand to other markets

Green business is now very popular and "heard of" in Europe and the USA. If you are involved in issues of sustainability and helping businesses become green, look for grant, partnership and client opportunities outside of Ukraine as well. These issues concern not only the public, but also businesses at various levels. Ukrainian companies are hardworking and well structured, so it makes sense to look for partnerships around the world.

  • Finding a service provider can take time, so start applying now

In InputSoft, the search for a service provider with all agreements and communications took 1 month. But it is important to note that they found it among the available list of providers on the Climate Innovation Vouchers website ( If you do not have your providers and are just going to look for them, then this process may take longer. And there are only 18 days left until the end of the application period

  • Read the rules and come to consultations

Reading the rules is 70% of the success of your project, and coming to consultations is 30%. The rules of participation in the competition can be found on the project website - Consultations take place every Thursday until the end of the application deadline (September 30), you can register using the link

  • Keep your horizons wide

Do not focus on one opportunity and do not bet everything on it. Try all options, apply to all programs. Out of a hundred applications, one will surely bring you success. This is a base not only for businesses, but also for any activity, especially in Ukraine these days.

We would like to remind you that until September 30, the acceptance of applications for grant assistance to the project "Climate Innovation Vouchers" financed by the EBRD with the support of the EU for Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses continues. Ukrainian businesses will be able to receive up to 50,000 euros for the development or implementation of climate technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the efficiency of energy consumption.

You can apply via the link -

Every Thursday - a consultation on the terms of participation in the competition. Register for participation via the link

Learn more about grants and winners of previous stages -


The "Climate Innovation Vouchers" project is a component of the EBRD program "Technology and Finance Transfer Center in the Field of Climate Change" (FINTECC), which is supported by the EU within the framework of the EU4CLIMATE initiative


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