FOP Chistyakov Oleh Valeriyovych

IT development

Founded in the early 2000s, our company has become a leader in the production of modern equipment for scientific and industrial needs.

Areas of activity:

Equipment for induction heating. They allow materials to be heated efficiently and evenly,

Vacuum technological installations. They create airless environments for carrying out specialized processes.

Ion-plasma installations and plasma-chemical reactors. For processes of surface treatment and changing the characteristics of materials at the nano-level.

Installations for spheroidization of nanopowders. They are used to obtain spherical nanoparticles.

Thermal furnaces, including vacuum ones. Indispensable in metallurgy, chemical industry and materials science.

Installations for growing single crystals. They are used in electronics and scientific research.

The equipment is installed at enterprises not only in Ukraine, but also in many countries of the world.


Development of IT components

High-tech modern equipment



Kyiv, 34 Vernadskyi Blvd

contact person

Chistyakov Oleg Valeriyovych


Phone: +38 (050) 756 57 97

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