"Climate Innovation Vouchers received the UEPA 2024 award for its contribution to entrepreneurship


The Climate Innovation Vouchers grant project, which has been implemented in Ukraine since 2017 by the Greencubator NGO, has won the Ukrainian Enterprise Promotion Awards (UEPA), initiated by the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

The UEPA Award recognizes those who promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises at the national, regional, and local levels. The expert jury chose Climate Innovation Vouchers as the winner in the Digital Technology Support nomination out of 119 applications for the best project implementation and for helping innovative green businesses develop, implement, and scale climate technologies.

As an additional award from an independent expert jury of entrepreneurs, academics, and business associations, Greencubator was invited to represent Ukraine at the European EEPA Awards in November 2024 in Hungary. 

The project "Climate Innovation Vouchers" is a component of the program European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Supported by the Climate Change Finance and Technology Transfer Center (FINTECC). The European Union as part of the EU4CLIMATE initiative. Ukraine was the first country to benefit from the EBRD's innovation voucher scheme, and today it is one of the country's largest grant competitions for innovators in the field of clean technologies.

This project has discovered and supported incredible entrepreneurial talent, creating solutions for the Ukrainian and global economy. Since 2017, it has awarded €1.8 million in grants to 54 Ukrainian companies to develop and implement climate innovations at various stages of their operations.

The vouchers have contributed to the design, development and promotion of technologies that are at the heart of many Ukrainian innovative businesses, such as Guinness World Record-winning electric bicycles Delfast, energy-saving recuperators PRANA or solutions for electric vehicles GO TO-U.

We are grateful to the organizers of the UEPA Award for recognizing our dedicated work in developing the ecosystem of sustainable entrepreneurship, climate innovation and green economy in Ukraine. 

Greencubator is honored to cooperate with the EBRD and EU partners who launched the Climate Innovation Vouchers project in Ukraine to facilitate our country's transition to a clean economy. We are proud of the sustainable businesses that, having received vouchers, have been able to significantly improve their developments, attract large investments, and scale up, finding customers on all 5 continents.

The UEPA National Award is the Ukrainian national stage of the selection of candidates for the European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA). It was initiated by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development with the assistance of the EU4Business: SME Policies and Institutions Support (SMEPIS) project, implemented by Ecorys in consortium with GIZ Ukraine, BRDO's Better Regulation Delivery Office and Civitta Ukraine with the financial support of the EU.


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