A WORLD WITHOUT PLASTIC How S.Lab grows organic packaging to replace polystyrene


Ukrainian company S.Lab – Sustainable Laboratory has created a replacement for polystyrene by combining just two plant components — mushroom mycelium and industrial hemp.

Only these two elements turned into a material that replicates the functions of plastic packaging and breaks down in less than 45 days

The product appeared to be so relevant for the market that S.Lab has no shortage of customers. Moreover, the company was named the Startup of the Year in Ukraine in 2023 and ranked in the top 10 at the WEB Summit among 3,000 applicants.

How did a trip to Asia motivate Julia Bialetska and Eugene Tomilin to launch S.Lab?

- Why did the company refuse to take new orders?

- How is S.Lab going to change the packaging market in Europe and Asia?

Read more about S.Lab on page Greencubator.

The story of S.Lab is a part of the series "The Cream of the Crop of Ukrainian Cleantech". It features 10 cleantech champions who received Climate Innovation Vouchers at a critical stage of their development and made giant leaps in the following years.

Read the new stories on the Greencubator web pages. CIV and greencubatorNothing inspires you to start a new business more than the success stories of those who have succeeded!

About the program:

Climate Innovation Vouchers is one of the largest grant programmes in Ukraine for innovators in green and climate-friendly technologies. It is initiated by the EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and funded by the European Union. Greencubator implements the programme in Ukraine.


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