IT-AMBASSADORS OF SUSTAINABILITY IN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY. How Input Soft develops the concept of a "smart airport"


The Ukrainian company INPUT SOFT brings revolutionary changes to the global aviation industry to make it more efficient, digital and environmentally friendly.

Anastasiia Smyk, Valentyn Zavadskyi, and Andrii Smyk have created a unified web-based platform for managing data and resources at airports. Thanks to this technology, clients worldwide can efficiently organize the traffic of aircraft servicing vehicles, reduce the idling time of aircraft engines, and optimize various other processes. This helps to decrease fuel consumption and significantly reduces CO₂ emissions.

How did INPUT SOFT become an ambassador for sustainability in the aviation industry?
How did INPUT SOFT become an ambassador for sustainability in the aviation industry?
What is it like to launch an aviation startup during COVID and amidst russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine?

Read about the path to the dream of the three founders of Input Soft in a new story from Greencubator!

The story of INPUT SOFT is a part of the series "The Cream of the Crop of Ukrainian Cleantech". It features 10 cleantech champions who received Climate Innovation Vouchers at a critical stage of their development and made giant leaps in the following years.

Read all the stories in the series on the CIV and Greencubator pages. Nothing inspires you to start a new business better than the stories of those who have succeeded!

About the program:

Climate Innovation Vouchers is one of the largest grant programs in Ukraine for innovators in green and climate-friendly technologies. It is initiated by the EBRD and funded by the European Union. Greencubator implements the program in Ukraine.


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